Waiver & Liability
Sports Power Clean Energy: Sports Clinic Waiver and Release of All Claims and Assumption of Risk:
I affirm that the participant ("Child") has my consent to participate in the Sports Power Clean Energy: Sports Clinic (“Clinic”), and any events or program(s) operated by Spin the Yard, This is Long Island, and Equinor. By signing this form, I certify that I am legally responsible for my Child, and that I am at least eighteen (18) years old and fully competent to give my consent; that I have been sufficiently informed of the risks involved and give my voluntary consent in signing it as my own free act and deed; with full intention to be bound by the same, and free from any inducement or representation. I also certify that my Child’s participation in the Clinic is wholly voluntary, and I agree that my Child will follow all rules and instructions, including but not limited to all rules and instructions from the Clinic and/or host venue personnel during the Clinic. I understand the nature and scope of the Clinic and the activities that will be undertaken. I understand that, despite appropriate safety precautions, Spin the Yard and/or the host venues cannot guarantee that no injury will occur in the course of my Child's participation in the Clinic. I further acknowledge that the Clinic involves physical activity that, like other physical activities, has the risk of serious injury, including the potential for permanent disability and death. I understand and acknowledge that my Child’s own negligence and the negligence of others could result in significant injury including the potential for permanent disability and death. I acknowledge that participation in the Clinic is voluntary and understand that my Child must be covered by health insurance at all times while attending the Clinic. I agree to release Spin the Yard and all other host venues participating in Clinic, and their officers, trustees, employees, and agents from and against any present or future claim, demand, action, loss, or liability for injury to person (including death) or property which my Child may suffer or for which my Child may be liable to any other person or entity, arising in connection with my Child's participation in the Clinic, or that occurs during my Child's participation and/or transit to and from Clinic locations. I further understand that in case of a medical emergency, I will be fully responsible for all expenses.
I understand my Child may be transported by school bus to participate in field trips and activities that require off-site transportation. I give permission for my Child to be transported by bus while attending the Clinic.
Photo/Video Authorization:
I hereby give my consent for Spin the Yard, This is Long Island, Equinor, and/or the host venues to use any photos/videos of myself and/or minor child, in future brochures, flyers, websites, photos and videos of its programs and their participants, which may be used for promotional and instructional purposes. Furthermore, I understand that all such photos/videos remain the property of Spin the Yard, This is Long Island, Equinor, and/or host venues.
Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Related to COVID-19 Warning:
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. I acknowledge that participation in the Clinic brings some risk to my Child, and I do hereby assume responsibility for my Child’s own well-being. My Child will follow all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, and all posted instructions while participating in Clinic events and activities.
In consideration of my Child's participation in the foregoing, I acknowledge and agree to the following:
I am aware of the existence of the risk of appearing in-person at the venue and my Child's participation in the activity of the Clinic that may cause injury or illness such as, but not limited to Influenza, MRSA, or COVID-19 that may lead to paralysis or death.
My Child has not experienced symptoms including fever, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, or dry cough or exhibiting any other symptoms relating to COVID-19 or any communicable disease within the last 72 hours prior to Clinic.
My Child has not been, nor have any member(s) of their household, diagnosed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus within the last 10 days prior to Clinic.
Assumption of Risk:
I have read and understood the above warning concerning COVID-19. I hereby choose to accept the risk of my Child or myself contracting COVID-19 in order to attend the sClinic and enter into the premises for venue partners. I accept the risk of my Child being exposed to and/or contracting COVID-19 in order to attend in person.
Knowing the risks involved, I agree, for myself and on behalf of my Child and my Child's heirs, personal representative(s), and assigns, to the maximum extent permitted by law, to assume all the risks and responsibilities surrounding my Child’s participation in Sports Power Clean Energy: Sports Clinic, and to hold harmless, indemnify, release, and forever discharge Spin the Yard and all other Venues, as well as their personnel, officers, trustees, employees, and agents, from and against any present or future claim, demand, action, loss, or liability for injury to person (including death) or property which my Child may suffer or for which my Child may be liable to any other person or entity, arising in connection with my Child's participation in Sports Power Clean Energy: Sports Clinic.